Are you living a secondhand spiritual life?

Photo by Leeloo The First,

Most information about spiritual awakening is secondhand, even if it comes from a renowned guru. Once an experience is explained to others, it becomes secondhand to all but the experiencer.

So what do you realize for yourself, and does it even matter to you?

If you are one of the very few who are trying to realize something about the deepest recesses of yourself, something beyond the self and consciousness, who can know better than you about what you truly are?

A lesson to last a lifetime

Several years ago I met with a rather renowned author from India who had written several books on the lives and teachings of famous enlightened Indian gurus. Over breakfast he shared an interesting story that ended with a potent reprimand.

He told me that after living in India for a while and sitting at the feet of Nisargadatta, he decided to give a talk about enlightenment to a small group of people.

A short time afterward he was in the audience in Nisargadatta’s Bombay tenement when the famous guru began to stare at him. Then Nisargadatta sternly told him…



Vic Shayne

NY Times bestselling author writing about reality beyond thought, consciousness, and the self to uncover what is fundamental.