Ask Me Anything on Medium Day — Will You Be There?

Mark your calendar since Medium Day is August 12.

Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters


Photo by writer

Today, I opened my email and thought it was another weekly email from Medium on the latest articles to read or some specific topic they highlighted from a writer.

Within a few minutes, I realized I was wrong.

The email said I was invited to present for 30 minutes on Medium Day on August 12 from 9 am to 9 pm EST.

After I read the email, I was humbled, honored and also had some tears forming in my eyes. I never expected to be a presenter especially on Medium Day.

After writing on Medium for three years, I don’t consider myself a top writer. I haven’t made fortunes off this platform, but I have turned into a full-time writer because of this platform though.

That was the easy part, and then the next part is a little harder, so I really need your help.

So, my question is, what do you want me to talk about?

Some suggestions were Medium a keynote presentation, Q&A, Ask Me Anything, a 1:1 interview, or a panel interview. I would prefer to give an overview and then answer some questions and think that may run better.



Tom Handy
Curated Newsletters

I ghostwrite articles for FinTech executives. Seen in Morning Brew, Money magazine, & Who's Who. Get my free email course