Balancing is a Problem Solver

Shirley Willett
Curated Newsletters
4 min readSep 24, 2023

In my Body, Mind and Spirit

7 Circles with Emotional Reactions, 2002, 1. Inner reality, primary now — Graphic is by author.

After a spiritual awakening in 1975, I took on concerned feeling for more circles of people around me, until I was concerned about problems in all of Humanity. I wanted to help solve other’s and society’s problems, even though I was advised, “Take care of yourself first”.

Everything I read in newspapers, on TV news and media, emails, articles, would concern me, and I wanted to solve problems. Now, at 90, I can no longer do anything out in the world, so I began writing to solve problems. But it did not stop me from thinking in my mind about them. Until, the mental overload was sinking me. I had to think about myself first. Aristotle said: “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”.

Who am I? Three parts come to mind: Body, Mind, Spirit, and what is the balancing in each part? Emmarie Hodge, Tarot, writes to me: “Finding harmony through a mind-body-spirit connection can bring you peace. Pursue whatever is the most missing from your life. By doing this, you’ll balance the scales in your life

Balancing in the body:

Food goes in and waste is eliminated. Exercise makes the body strong, and rest/sleep replenishes energy. My body is good with most balancing, but getting blind in one eye, and a broken hip does disturb balancing when walking — but exercise improves it.

Balancing in the mind:

Knowledge goes in and expression goes out. Mind and Memory are bridges between Body (brain) and Spirit (feelings) and are a work in process for me. Getting older there are imbalances, as short-term memory loss. But there are ways to learn to work around them

Balancing in the spirit:

Feelings are inner, and transmutation balances them. I have done some work on transmuting feelings, but have a way to go to balance them in myself. Spirit has increasingly become most important to study and raise consciousness. While alive in a 3D body I have to balance with 5D Spirit — but I keep evolving. Now I just send love-energy to all circles, and let others and groups solve for themselves.

Rudolph Steiner wrote: “Feelings are to the Spirit what food is to the body” in his book, ”How To Know Higher Worlds

Anthi Psomiadou sparked me on the word transmute: “Fear can be seen as an amount of energy. It’s up to us into what we will transmute it” In another article she wrote: “Problems and difficulties are opportunities for resilience’s increasement.” Resilience is a great word to help Balance.

Dr Mehmetyildiz explains it well in “Emotional Balance to Amplify Pleasant Feelings and Dim Unpleasant Ones : Our emotions are akin to untamed stallions, possessing incredible strength and beauty, yet without mastery, they may lead us on an uncontrolled and painful journey”

Daniel Hannah, “Your perception of reality depends on your vibration…. The spiritual realm … The higher your vibration raises where you begin tapping into deeper levels … the lower your vibrational state, the further you’re energetically distancing yourself from the spiritual dimension. when you’re in a low vibration, spirituality doesn’t exist, because there’s no energetic connection to higher planes of existence. … Your vibration is your state of consciousness. All energy has a quality to it, ranging from low-vibrational to high-vibrational

For me, E-motions are Energy in Motion, and therefore are connected to Vibrations. My graphic “Colors & Emotions” shows the work in emotions/feelings/vibrations, from low to high

Graphic by Author

How does one solve problems by balancing? By, first becoming aware of Body, Mind and Spirit. Then realizing that Balancing is a process, not a result, not right or wrong, but as Nature knows life as balance and imbalance. Balance/imbalance are aesthetics and spiritual, and vary in every individual.

A few more quotes from writers that I follow and love:

Lanu Pitan: ,” Getting Your Balance Right Is Never by Accident You have to work on it, and you have to desire it….” And , “Success comes from the inside out. In order to change what is on the outside, you must first change what is on the inside.”

Julia Blum: “Carl G. Jung argues that depression is a symptom of inner imbalances.The important difference here is that he doesn’t say chemical imbalances, but inner imbalances. Too much or not enough of something inside of you. Jung believed that symptoms are the voice of the soul.He proposed that the way to treat these imbalances and heal your patterns is to explore the subconscious. He suggested that by trying to hear what they’re expressing, you could develop a relationship with your inner forces.”

Jodie Helm asks her Archangels: “How can we go about finding a better balance in life when we have so many bases to cover?” They answer, “The balance you seek and need began in the changes brought about by The Shift, but it will grow within you as you change your priorities and your way of thinking

Secondly, do something that makes you smile and laugh. If your life has not already offered you such an opportunity on a regular basis, you must make it happen purposefully, reaching for it. You cannot solve your problems if you do not address your feelings and needs on a regular basis.”

Good luck on Balancing to all my readers, and love to you all.



Shirley Willett
Curated Newsletters

Book: “Past, Present, Future: Fashion Memoir, 70 Years, Design, Engineering, Education, Manufacturing & Technology”