Barbie’s ‘Will Smith’ Moment

Here’s why Barbie is great, Oppenheimer is not, and why he deserved to have his face slapped at the Oscars.

Andrew Jazprose Hill
7 min readMar 17, 2024


Author photo of iPad shown from kitchen table with image The New Yorker “Slappenheimer” cartoon cover of Barbie slapping Oppenheimer, knocking his pipe out of his mouth, and sending his hat flying off his head.
Author Photo of iPad at kitchen table open to The New Yorker’s “Slappenheimer” cover

It was only a matter of time before the “Barbenheimer” Rom-Com came to an end. The couple was too incompatible to live happily ever after. Hollywood endings only happen in the movies.



Andrew Jazprose Hill

In the Jazprose Diaries on Substack, I write about Art, Culture, and Race with a mindful memoirist's eye. Come on in. The water's fine.