Basic Instinct: Are These Comebacks Punchier Than Unpredictable?

Where Can I Find a Stone?

Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
4 min readJan 26, 2024


So close to Oscar. Photo by Steven Damron, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

I’m very — ”Unpredictable?” she says, in unison with him.

Obviously, he realizes he is not as unpredictable as he thought, as she was able to predict his next words. How would you come back? Some of these are characters I found in movies, series, or songs, can you guess?

Thug 1: I used to be, yes. Then they started expecting the unexpected. Unexpected had to go through an identity crisis. Long story short, it’s hard.

Thug 2: Nah, but someone in an asylum is.

Thug 3: Yeah, but I’m on a break now.

Thug 4: Trying hard, thanks for noticing.

Thug 5: Horny.

Thug 6: Sesky.

Thug 7: Prime.

Thug 8: Thanks for paying attention.

Thug 9: Disappointed.

Thug 10: This is going to be Biblical.

Thug 11: My chisel just made a new commandizle for you. Never sit on a grown man’s lap at the mall.

Thug 12: Diabolical.

Thug 13: Blue.

Thug 14: Purple.

Thug 15: Kla Kla Kli Kli Klu Klu Kleru Klulu Klau Klam Kla Kru thru ….

Thug 16: I can’t think of anything clever to say. Give me a few moments, please… How about- Name is Dexter, honey. I’m hotter than your drama. If you had been watching me, you’d have predicted what’s gonna happen now.

Thug 17: tired of acting in this movie. They don’t even pay me well.

Thug 18: Impressed.

Thug 19: Fascinated by bees. Doesn’t mean I’m gay though.

Thug 20: And I thought my jokes were bad.

Thug 22: Confused.

Thug 24: Pissed.

Thug 25: Not yet. How about we continue this conversation tomorrow?

Thug 26: Sober and not having fun.

Thug 27: Until I find my compass.

Thug 28: Sorry I didn’t bring rubber. But I did bring enough plastic.

Thug 29: curious. Why are you not naked?

Thug 30: puzzled if you have any eggs saved for me in the fridge.

Thug 31: Yes, my choice depends on the choice of others.

Thug 32: concerned that you are concerned (shows a live video of her hard-earned bills getting burned) now about your financial situation. You shouldn’t. You and I are serving the society.

Thug 33: You need a lesson on the value of human life. I wanna play a game.

Thug 35: curious why you’re so body-conscious and why you’d want to give me all the money you have in that locker. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m hotter than Dexter.

Thug 36: Close to perfecting the music that would help flies see circular patterns are beautiful.

Thug 37: Sure you are in love. Check your pulse. By any chance is your phone’s password Sher?

Thug 38: impressed.

Thug 39: You wanna predict, dict, dict, dict, dict, dict?

Thug 40: What do you think?

Thug 41: I see the need for a change.

Thug 42: Smart. Can I offer you a head massage?

Thug 43: 47% there.

Thug 44: Glad I finally found you, Mom. Got some milk?

Thug 45: desperately trying to say something. Could you shut your hole for 10 seconds?

Thug 46: How about a tea break?

Thug 47: Oh my God, take your pants off

Thug 48: No, politically correct. I disagree with every other thug.

Thug 49: Much in love.

Thug 50: Deadly

Thug 51: Fiery

Thug 52: Can we reach 911?

Thug 53: What’s the question again?

Thug 54: Trusting. I trust you more than I trust my senses.

Thug 55: engaged with a stupid question. If you try to lose, and end up winning, are you the victor or the loser?

Thug 56: Unstoppable. Unbeatable. Ajith.

Thug 57: The answer to your question is [Drumroll] I don’t know. I’ll find the answer soon enough, I’ll let you know. Here’s my number: 8921873771. But if I find myself to be unpredictable, it might change.

Thug 58: hot.

thug 59: or not.

thug 60: close to knocking on your door.

thug 61: I love questions, and that’s a very good question. How can you be sexy and smart, and not the Queen?

thug 62: You’re dumb if you think she’s the queen.

thug 63: I hereby declare that Honeybee is the queen.

thug 64: Thank you 63, now declare me king.

thug 65: All declarations are hereby declared to be invalid.

thug 66: Was that a declaration? Here’s the new declaration: Thou shall not have any other declarations before me.

thug 67: How about after? All books shall be burned. Class dismissed.

thug 68: Game over. John Kramer closes the door.

thug 69: Not sure I like the position you love, but of course.

thug 70: wondering why you are not on my plate.

thug 71: The cook is late but here at last. Please wait.

thug 72: Waiter’s here. How can I serve you today?

thug 73: Here’s your termination letter. You’ve been served.

thug 74: I wrote that letter.

thug 75: I invented that letter.

thug 76: I invented every letter including u.

thug 77: You’ll need a few more letters for me.

thug 78: You don’t even have a letter in you.

thug 79: Wrong. I have detailed files.

thug 80: File manager’s here.

thug 81: Burn that file. Done? Thanks, you’re fired.

thug 82: self-obsessed. I’m in a conversation with myself and you’re in it.

thug 83: Now, that’s disturbing.

thug 84: Did you predict Return of the King?

thug 85: I’m returning to my apartment to watch porn.

thug 86: Hardcore.

thug 87: That’s hard.

thug 88: Turn 180 degrees.

thug 89: No, my compass knows what I want. But I lost it.

thug 90: Depends on the time of the day.

Thug 91: Worried about my son, Ravana

To be continued. Or not.



Ajith Balakrishnan Nair

⭐️ Editor of Follower Booster Hub, The Quantified World, Illumination Videos and Podcasts, and On God⭐️. I am one part of a whole. Nothing more. Nothing less.