Being Active Is Not About Fitness

It’s an opportunity to get to know yourself.

Melissa Raise
Curated Newsletters


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“Fitness” is a trigger word for a lot of people.

Hidden within its depths is a feeling of pressure. A feeling of “not good enough”. And sometimes a feeling of “I have to do this because so many people say it’s normal to be fit.”

But what if being active is not really about being fit? What if being active is simply an opportunity to be more connected to yourself?

When I joined a CrossFit gym many years ago, I joined because I wanted to look better. I did it because I had had two children and my body was aging rapidly.

Over time, as I continued being physically active, I realized that a few things kept coming up for me, and they had nothing to do with being fit. I was often faced with my own negative attitude, my own lack of willingness to continue taking care of myself.

I also became aware of how judgmental I was of myself, and how much of a perfectionist I had become. No amount of physical activity was “good enough” for me.

The beautiful thing about it is that, because of my relationship with fitness, I started to see all the places where I was weak. Not physically, but mentally, emotionally.



Melissa Raise
Curated Newsletters

Owner of Raise the Bar Wellness. Wellness Coach, CPT, LMT. Exploring a sober mom's journey from wellness. Instagram @raisethebarwellness