
Biden Beats Trump!

I didn’t see that one coming! Nor did Trump.

Britni Pepper
Curated Newsletters
3 min readOct 17, 2020


Joe Biden (PD image via Wikipedia)

After the second Biden-Trump debate was changed in format — because Don Trump had caught Covid-45 and would be infectious if a face-to-face debate were held — the President pulled out, leaving Vice-President Joe Biden to attend the town hall-style event hosted by network ABC alone.

Rather than leave his rival to draw an audience unchallenged, Don Trump arranged a competing town hall event with rival network NBC for exactly the same timeslot.

As expected, the two events were radically different in tone. Joe Biden was calm, answering the questions put to him, laying out his plans for a Biden presidency. He was every inch the assured, composed, rational leader America needs in a crisis.

In comparison, Don Trump made for much more entertaining viewing as he sparred with and talked over the host, evaded and hesitated when answering key questions, and revealed that his strategy for a second term is to have no strategy.

No surprises there!

This was exactly as one would expect. Don Trump’s style of television performance is to be unpredictable, obnoxious, aggressive, and evasive. He doesn’t like to be pinned down, and in a refreshing volte-face for a clown, hates to…



Britni Pepper
Curated Newsletters

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.