Book Review ~ If I Hadn’t Met You by Shalini Ranjan

The truth finds its way, sooner or later

A Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)
Curated Newsletters
4 min readMay 17, 2021


Book cover taken from Amazon

My ratings: 4.2/5

Tisha and Rudra meet under bizarre circumstances on her 18th birthday. Though there’s an attraction brewing, Rudra can’t help but wonder about how Tisha knows so much about his long-dead mother. Is there more to Tisha than she’s letting on?

Book Blurb (as on Amazon):

“I wanted to ask you if you would go out with me.”
“Excuse me?” He looked at her as if she had cracked the joke of the century.

Charming and ruthless, business tycoon Rudra Singh Shekhawat is not the typical man anyone would want to cross paths with. Yet, when the beautiful and savvy Tisha Mathur entered his office and asked him out on a date, Rudra had no idea his life was about to change.

For, Tisha not only knows a lot of things about his dead mother but she also claims that she was murdered. As Rudra fights his growing love for Tisha, he realizes that he is not the only one with skeletons in his closet and that there might be a killer on the loose amidst his friends and family.

Genre: Fiction/ Romantic Mystery

Pages: 111

Format: Kindle eBook

