Branding 101 — Written In Plain English

Brand Building — The Importance of Consistency in Purpose

The clearer you are on the purpose of your brand, the more successful you will be in building it.

Holly Kellums
Curated Newsletters
3 min readJan 19, 2021


Consistency is key to the sustainability of any brand.

This applies to visual and audial consistency as well as a less tangible consistency — the consistency of purpose.

Of course, it is important to be consistent in imagery, audio, tone and design— but the only reason the consistent look or sound of your brand matters is because of the way it makes people feel. And, the way it makes people feel is based on our purpose — or at least what people perceive it to be.

Brand purpose is where the magic happens. This is why the clearer we are on the purpose of our brand, the more successful we are at building it. Our brand purpose is why people choose us out of all the other brands.

Before people will want to work with us, follow our work or obtain our products or services — they first must know who we are. Who we are, to them, is based on their perception of our purpose.

