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Breaking the Fundamental Cause of Racism

And all other forms of prejudice and discrimination

2 min readMar 23, 2021


The primary reason for racism, ethnic prejudice, gender discrimination, etc. is the perception that there are different “types” of people; some types are superior and more worthy than other types.

It is a main reason for the attacks aimed at Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, “the elites,” and others, as well as conflicts between conservatives and liberals.

It’s built on a mental framework, a mindset, that the true nature of people in the groups to which I identify (my “in-groups”) are superior to those in certain other groups (the “out-groups”).

The thoughts and perceptions in that mindset reflect these beliefs such as these:

The people in my in-group look more like me, think like me, and enjoy doing the things I like to do. I trust them, feel comfortable around them, and I’m not worried they will try to harm me or take things away from me. They are good, worthwhile, and deserving people who are my friends and companions.

People in the out-groups, however, are a sinister bunch. They don’t look like me, they don’t think or act the way I do, and the don’t share my beliefs. They want to harm people like me and take what we have. They are bad, worthless people who…



I’m a clinical psychologist and software architect focused on human nature, mindsets, consciousness, experience, behavior, and the fundamentals of reality.