Healing and Life

Can Time Heal All Wounds?

What time can and cannot heal

Bill Abbate
5 min readFeb 25, 2024


Photo by Ante Gudelj on Unsplash

Who hasn’t heard the old saying “time heals all wounds”? Is it true, or is there more to it? Let’s look at what it takes to heal wounds of the heart and whether or not it’s possible.

Can time heal all?

While practically everyone is familiar with the adage time heals, did you know an ancient Greek dramatist coined the phrase more than two thousand years ago?

“Time heals all wounds.” Menander (342–291 BC)

There is great wisdom in realizing time can indeed heal many wounds. However, some hurts may never heal, regardless of how much time passes. Why? Usually, it is because the wounded person cannot forgive. Also, although you may heal, the process can leave scars.

By the way, to be clear, we are not talking about physical injuries. We are discussing wounds that harm or hurt our psyche, which consists of our mind, heart, and soul.

With enough time, wounds to our psyche can heal significantly. They reside in our memory, and memories are prone to shifting and changing. As we live, our memories increase, and our perspectives broaden, causing past hurts to occupy a smaller part of our overall experience, thereby lessening their effect until…



Bill Abbate

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author www.BillAbbate.com