
Chasing Peace of Mind is the same as Shopping for a better Fabric Softener

The Concept of Peace of Mind- a Never-ending Paradox

Curated Newsletters
9 min readSep 28, 2020


Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash

The “peace of mind” is an old phrase. Its written evidence goes back as far as the 16th century. Even though we can only read “the phrase” so that now in history, nonetheless, its previous constructions go back even further. For instance, — “Peace of heart” was recorded in the early 1340s and “peace of soul” by 1425.

Peace of mind and many other phrases with similar semantics are familiar to human history.

According to some history scholars, “Peace of mind” predominated over its older counterparts due to the ideal location of stress and anxiety, thus the human mind.

The definition of peace of mind has lingered relatively constant for the past five centuries, suggesting its consistent significance and the evolution of humanity.

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Despite its consistent literal definition, peace of mind still has a different meaning to people at any time and place. How we perceive peace of mind is a multifactorial one, so that even though we…



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