Cheats Seldom Prosper..... nothing but a lie

Liam Ireland
Curated Newsletters
4 min readDec 3, 2020


In response to Stuart Englander's challenge to write a story around a catchphrase.

Photograph by kind courtesy of Pixar

All of his life Honest Joe tried to do things by the book. He didn't break any laws that he knew of. Joe never duped, scammed nor twisted anybody out of a single cent.

Honest Joe never ever broke a promise nor two-timed anybody. He never stole anything that wasn’t his nor told a single lie to gain some sort of unfair advantage over somebody. Did this make him some sort of saint? Not really, if anything Joe thought it made him a first class idiot.

Everybody gets screwed

Every single company Joe ever worked for had a crooked boss or owner. They screwed their customers and their employees alike. They screwed the government and even their own neighbours, family and friends. They even expected Joe, as an honest faced employee, to screw their customers on their behalf. Did they prosper? You bet they did. They became very rich people indeed.

Joe had two vicious ex wives, six sly brothers and sisters and quite a few close friends who had successfully cheated their way to a prosperous life. They all had their own houses and cars, holidays abroad and not a penny of debt. Joe, on the other hand, after a lifetime of hard honest graft, didn’t…

