Chronic Fatigue is Hard to Explain

Living a misunderstood life can be lonely.

Rachel Lynn
Curated Newsletters


Woman sleeping on the couch, surrounded by clutter.
Photo by Flickr from Pexels

It’s hard to communicate what it’s like living with chronic fatigue. Over the last 14 years, I’ve found that 0% of the people I share with ever truly understand. It’s something you have to experience to comprehend.

It’s difficult to explain the effects of constant pain and fatigue. Feelings get hurt. Self-esteem gets damaged. In the end, no one really gets me.

In some ways, I’m glad they don’t understand. I would hate for any of my loved ones to experience this reality to the point of empathy.

Being misunderstood does leave me feeling lonely sometimes. Everyone wants to be heard.

So I’m going to tell you about it.

Energy Expenditures Come With a Price

The end of summer always sneaks up on me.

We were one week away from the start of a new school year. I am a homeschooling mother of 3 and this is my busy season! While my kids enjoyed one last week of summer break, I went into planning mode.

My to-do list was a mile long. Not only did I need to be ready to start school, but I also still needed to get to those unfinished summer projects before school consumed all my energy.



Rachel Lynn
Curated Newsletters

Turning mental chaos into cohesive writing. Untangling thoughts about chronic illness, mental health, parenting, and spirituality.