Claudine Gay And The Infuriating Double Standards Of “Antiracism”

Plagiarism is copying plus power.

Steve QJ


Source: Twitter

June 16th, 2020. In response to accusations that he wasn’t taking their concerns seriously, James Brooks, the CEO of Lincoln Students’ Union, issued a heartfelt apology to black and minority students:

As chief executive of the students’ union and senior staff member, it is not common for me to make statements — it is your elected student leaders that rightfully make our student statements. But I find myself in a unique position where, after reading the experiences of black students’ involvement with the students’ union, I need to publicly speak to our black students.

I recognise that the [Student Union] has failed you… I can reflect, and acknowledge that black students have raised their voices, but they have, on the whole, been ignored.

Brooks followed up with a five-point plan for how the university would do better in future. So problem solved, right?

Not quite.

In the hours after it went online, several students noticed that his apology bore a striking resemblance to this one, posted four days earlier, by the CEO of Essex Students’ Union:

As chief executive of the students’ union, it is not common for me to make statements —…



Steve QJ

Race. Politics. Culture. Sometimes other things. Almost always polite. Find more at