“Come in and know me better, man!”

From Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol; An introduction to Medium writer Kevin Miller

Kevin Miller
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Nadi Lindsay from Pexels

This introduction turned into an epic history lesson (IOW, I’m old). Begun to help Medium readers get to know me, it became a reflection for getting to better know myself, and I decided that was a worthwhile journey to take. I have done a Cliff Notes version for those who prefer brevity. Most of this tale was accompanied by the Ghost of Christmas Past, but the Ghosts of Christmas Present and Yet to Come provided important insights. For those up to the full adventure, enjoy the trip, and I’ll see you on Christmas morning.

Katherine is finishing her lunch in the “break room” (kitchen) before returning to her “office” (the “sitting” room).

Matthew restocked the TP in the office Men’s Room (the “boys’ bathroom”) before returning to his “office” (the dining room table) for a weekly game of virtual Dungeons and Dragons.

Samuel is toiling away in his “office” (basement “spare” bedroom) either working on an app he’s developing or (more likely) playing some TF2 or GTA (if you have to ask, you probably don’t want to know).

And I am in my “office” (former basement toy room) writing a self-introduction for those of you on Medium who might want to get to…



Kevin Miller
Curated Newsletters

Striving to change the world one heart at a time / Husband, Dad, Teacher, Learner, Writer, Citizen, Army Officer, & Combat Veteran / knowresponsibility.com