Comments on The Japanese Plan To Poison The World

Our Only Choice is To Stop It or Perish

Dr Michael Heng
Curated Newsletters



The Japanese Plan to Poison The World by dumping radioactive wastewater from its now-defunct Fukushima Nuclear Plant into the Pacific Ocean is an irresponsible and callous act of arrogance and recklessness. If she insisted on proceeding with her plan to poison the world, Japan risks being isolated by the entire world; her people barred from entering countries, her need for oil denied, her goods banned and her companies sanctioned. Japan’s survival is irrelevant and immaterial to the rest of the world as she places her interests above the health and safety of our loved ones. The better and safer alternative is the proposed Mt Fuji Solution.

Comments from some of the nearly 2,000 LinkedIn readers are featured here:

Bernard Clabots

This is not nuclear waste water, this is water from re-treatment that is harmless as it contains radioactive material in levels similar to natural background radioactivity, especially seen it will be diluted in millions of times more water. Stop feeding the paranoia. If Japan needs to be barred because of this water, what should we say about Poland, Germany, China, US, Australia, Brasil for diluting their CO2 waste in our…



Dr Michael Heng
Curated Newsletters

Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on CSR, Explorer, Enabler. Top Writer in Poetry. Drives ventures and enterprises. ILLUMINATION Editor and Writer.