Creating an Innovative Culture

Your Key to Organizational Success in 2023

Dr. David Martin
Curated Newsletters


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One word. But one that has such power to change the world.

Innovation has vastly improved the lives of the entire world in the last couple of hundred years. Humans have always been looking at new and better ways of doing things, but the innovative process seemed to take off from the beginning of the industrial revolution. For the first time in history, humans were beginning to perfect technologies that could greatly accelerate innovation.

Innovative processes have led to some remarkable achievements in the past two centuries. The airplane, the motor car, and many other modes of transportation, including space travel, resulted from innovative processes. The innovative process has led to the mass production of everything from lights to computers to inexpensive cars and trucks. The innovative process has undoubtedly led to almost every major medical breakthrough of the last century.

Innovation is a crucial driver of economic growth and is essential for businesses to stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing world. It takes many forms, from new products or services to finding more efficient ways of producing goods to implementing a new business model. Innovations can be large or small, and they can be…



Dr. David Martin
Curated Newsletters

I write about leadership, tech, education, current affairs and life in general from Seoul, South Korea (poetry, too!). Email me at