Diamonds Are Forever: The Greatest Marketing Campaign Ever

Mighty Knowledge
4 min readDec 1, 2020


Marketing is a crucial component of any successful business. The phrase “the product will sell itself” isn’t smart, it’s foolish. People need to know about your product first before they even consider buying it. After that, you need to convince them that they need to have it. Marketing is how you accomplish both of those things.

Great marketing is an art where you have to be very strategic. Convincing your customers that they have a need for your product has to happen on a deep psychological level to be fully effective. The greatest marketing campaign to ever accomplish this was called Diamonds are forever, executed by the De Beers company.

De Beers Diamond Rings

Photo by Jose Martinez on Unsplash

When you think of a diamond engagement ring, what’s the first thought that comes to your mind? Do you see it as an investment like gold or silver, or do you see it as a symbol of love and commitment? If you’re thinking of the second one, then the marketing of De Beers is working!

Diamonds used to be a luxury that only the ultra-rich would buy. Back in the early 1900s, the middle-class didn’t care much for them at all, it was just an expensive rock. There were far more useful items to spend money on like cars or expansions for the house. Even when De Beers tried reducing prices, most people in…

