Different Generations Don’t Understand Each Others’ Finances

Members of each age cohort are talking past each other on money issues — and that’s a problem

Citizen Reader


Three piggy banks on a table, with piles of coins and bills stuck in one bank.
Photo by Diane Helentjaris on Unsplash

I’m a member of Generation X, and members of Gen X are extremely good at observing the generations around them. (We’re a small generation, so I think we watch the others carefully in a self-defense kind of way.)

And here’s what this Gen X’er has noticed about the way the different generations communicate among themselves and with one another. We mostly call each other names, and we don’t tend to listen to people in different generational cohorts. We especially don’t talk to one another about money.

And that’s a problem. For everyone.

A while back I wrote an article about the housing crisis. I wanted to focus on the fact that I don’t think anyone really understands why our housing crisis in America (and worldwide) became such a widespread and seemingly unsolvable issue.

I wrote it primarily because, in my suburb, every property developer in the state (and lots from out of state) are proposing building endless four- to six-story apartment buildings filled with extremly expensive 1BR and studio apartments. We already have a lot of those, but if you go to any meetings at City Hall to ask if…



Citizen Reader

"Money makes people lose their humanity." from Zeke Faux's "Number Go Up: Inside Crypto's Wild Rise and Staggering Fall"