Digital and Offline Scrapbooking Can Go Together

The Technology Advancements Are a Real Advantage

Marjorie J McDonald
4 min readDec 10, 2020


scrapbook, scrapbooking, creativity
Image by not known none from Pixabay

A new way to use online and offline tools separately and together for scrapbooking can increase your scrapbooks’ enjoyment. The white in the layout above is transparent so you can insert your picture.

Anyone ever experienced getting to the photo drive-up or drugstore to pick up your pictures just as they were closing? Sometimes they will let you come in to pick up your pictures, and sometimes they will not. Did you ever have to wait until the next day to get the developed pictures? You can avoid all of that excitement or drama.

You can add a new level to complete your work on your scrapbook pages by doing scrapbook projects using online software and digital scrapbooking tools.

My digital camera and photo retouching tools on my computer are an easier way to go now. They are much easier than having the pictures developed the way I used to have them done.

The technology advancements are a real advantage for everyone but learning how-to and then using them has a bit of a learning curve. It is well worth the time you might spend to learn.



Marjorie J McDonald

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