Discover 15 Myths About Pyramids, Pharaohs, and Egypt

Have you ever visited Egypt? You should!

Ryan Miller


Discover 15 Myths About Pyramids, Pharaohs, and Egypt
Photo by Spencer Davis from Pexels

In my free time, I enjoy reading culture books from my library. I am fascinated by the curiosities of the world and the history of mankind. Every time I find out new things, especially myths, I like to tell others and debate on the subject.

Today I learned 15 myths about pyramids, pharaohs, and Egyptians that I want to share with you. You may already know some of them, or maybe they will be new. I invite you to tell me your opinion in the comments section.

#1 The Egyptian Kings Were Called Pharaohs

Each Egyptian king had several first names, but “Pharaoh” was not found. Only in the 14th century BC, the common people began to call the royal palace, the main court, and the king with the notion of “pharaoh” (big house).

Just as the Pope and his entire collective power were called the “Holy See.” During this time, the captive Israelites took the term Pharaoh for the king and assimilated it, as the title of the king, into everything they wrote. In the year 950 BC. the term pharaoh became the official title of the Egyptian ruler.

#2 Cheops Was Buried in the Pyramid Of Cheops



Ryan Miller

Ying & Yang | Happy. Positive. Tech Savvy. Writer. Leader. Magnetic Person. Living Human Being. Dreamer.