Discover Which Of These 7 Types of Procrastinators You Are

Unlock the motivational ‘triggers’ unique to your procrastination archetype.

Jari Roomer


Photo by DocuSign on Unsplash

Procrastination is a problem for many of us. But not everyone procrastinates for the same reasons.

Psychology says there are many different procrastination ‘archetypes’, each with its own set of procrastination triggers.

Once you understand which type of procrastinator you are, it becomes much easier to conquer it.

Instead of having to follow generic advice, you can follow specific productivity techniques that fit your procrastination archetype.

#1: The Dreamer

Dreamers constantly come up with big ideas and ambitious goals but often lack a clear, actionable plan to turn them into reality.

They dream and fantasize about the end result, but when it’s time to get into action, they get overwhelmed by the size of their goals.

All in all, the dreamer focuses too much on the outcome, and too little on the actions required to achieve the outcome.

How To Stop Procrastinating:

Break overwhelming long-term goals into highly actionable short-term goals, such as quarterly…



Jari Roomer

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