A little truth with that news, please!

Disinformation: It’s What You’re Having for Breakfast

Check the ingredients, it’s not as wholesome as you may think

Joe Luca
Curated Newsletters
8 min readJun 14, 2022


Pixabay Image — wikimediaimage

Gary receives a link to an article from BadBusinessNews.com, reads it, has a beer, then sends a quick email to his friend and workmate Karl.

Gary tells him the company they work for is going to be sold to an outside firm and that 90% of the workforce will be laid off — robots are being shipped in to take their place. Automation has finally arrived.

Karl, trying to enjoy a three-day weekend, freaks out. Replies to Rob’s email, who’s now out on the lake jet skiing and doesn’t see it for two days.

Karl reaches out to a friend and then another in an attempt to understand what’s happening. No one really knows but everyone has an opinion.

By the end of the three-day weekend, 65 workers at the plant stage a protest, and get into fights with security and the owner, who pulls up to a crowd ready to tear him apart.

Six hours later, in a conference room, the owner, representatives from the crowd outside, and several managers luckily realize that nothing became something and almost took down the company. How did it happen?



Joe Luca
Curated Newsletters

Top Writer in Humor and Satire. I love words. Those written, and those received. I’m here to communicate & comment. To be a part of a greater whole.