Do I Need to Write Every Day to Make $1,000 a Month?

Eating crow and answering comments.

Quiet Cacophony
Curated Newsletters


Image via Pexels

I’m woefully behind on answering comments on articles, but I want you to know that I love you and am not ignoring you. Instead, I’m a spazz that writes daily and loves sleep. Your comments keep me fueled to keep writing. Then I get sleepy, and I sleep.

I have a knack for saying things that lose followers, including losing my own dad. Woot woot!

Now I’ve pissed off a Medium-owned publication, its editors, and a group of talented and funny writers. It’s time to eat some crow.

My theory was Slackjaw, being owned by Medium and having 121,000 followers, was hiring writers off the platform. The reason is: they were publishing articles for several days from new Medium writers. I was surprised at not reading anything from long-time Medium writers. Editor Sarah James set me straight: the writers went through the submission process and were not hired or recruited directly by Medium.

