Don’t Feel Bad — You Still Are One of the Top 2,000 Medium Writers

A note to self.

I, Napoleon B.
Curated Newsletters


Don’t Feel Bad. You Still Are One of the Top 2,000 Medium Writers
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

I am grateful.

I am grateful that I still made the cut — I am one of the top 2,000 Medium writers. Although the email may come later, when I checked my Medium Partner’s Program dashboard, there was an additional $50. So my total for June will end up at $122.16.

My screenshot — Medium Partners Program

I was hoping it would be more. Who wouldn’t want the extra $500? It would have made a big difference.

I don’t feel rejected, but I can’t say I am not disappointed. I tried my best, and I feel despite all of my best efforts, I failed. But that is my inner saboteur speaking because the truth is, I didn’t fail.

I am a winner.

It is July. Being my birth month, it was supposed to be my lucky month. But hey, isn’t $50 a sign of more luck to come?



I, Napoleon B.
Curated Newsletters

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: