Don’t Insult Your Frugal Friends By Asking For Debt Advice

Especially while you’re lying on the beach on vacation

Kristi Keller


Image from Canva Pro

How many times have we seen those who live in extravagant excess suddenly crash and burn? Even celebrities with multi millions of dollars go bankrupt and lose everything, all because they lack planning and foresight.

As grown adults I would like to believe we’ve all been around the block enough to understand how personal finances work. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and at some point we need to take responsibility for our own choices.

Back in my younger days I had student loan debt, credit card debt, and all the other debts life inevitably throws at us. It’s not rocket science to live in moderation and clear away what you owe, it’s just common sense.

I’m the type who will live life to the fullest for a year or two, incur a moderate amount of debt, and then live on the down-low for a while so I can get back to normal. It’s an intentional cycle and it works for me.

I know my limits and feel confident in my cycles of debt. I try not to overdo it and when the time comes, I put my nose to the grindstone to pay it off.

The other night I met my friend for dinner. We’ll call her Janine. She and I go way back and…



Kristi Keller

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.