Don’t Look Now, But There’s Dog Poop In My Fridge

Like 2020 wasn’t bad enough already

Jan M Flynn
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Ernest Brillo on Unsplash

This close to Thanksgiving, there should be a turkey in there

A nice, big, organic, free-range, heritage bird, gently chilling out until its big day in the oven. What else should be in the refrigerator right now? Whipping cream, ingredients for stuffing, bottles of champagne (it goes with everything, after all, even turkey). Maybe a case of beer for the Philistines in the family. A bag of cranberries.

But not this year. It’s 2020, the year of plague and presidential psychopathy, the year of waking up in a hideous alternate reality that refuses to relent. There’s no turkey in the fridge because my husband and I are doing the responsible thing and staying home, just the two of us. And our dog.

Who is not well.

Allow me to introduce you to Molly, the world’s best dog

Photo by author

I understand, if you’re a dog lover, you may object to the arbitrary designation of my dog as The Best, so allow me to clarify. Dogs, for the most part, are exceptional…



Jan M Flynn
Curated Newsletters

Writer & educator. The Startup, Writing Cooperative, P.S. I Love You, The Ascent, more. Award-winning short fiction. Visit me at