Editor’s Picks — Top 10: Do You Know Why You Write

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Dew Langrial
Curated Newsletters


You should write every day — for 5 minutes — about why you want to write. Ask yourself this question, “What is the purpose of my writing?”

Write down whatever comes to your mind. It does not matter what you write, just save it in a file with the date. Read what you wrote after one month.

You would be surprised by the variety of your answers. However, none of the things you wrote might be your reason for writing.

Darius Foroux thinks there are two types of writers based on Schopenhauer’s work:

“There are above all two kinds of writers: those who write for the sake of what they have to say and those who write for the sake of writing. The former have had ideas or experiences which seem to them worth communicating; the latter need money and that is why they write — for money.” ~Arthur Schopenhauer

When I read something that pulls me in, keeps me there, and spits me out as a new or changed person — that is the reason I want to write. I want to be…



Dew Langrial
Curated Newsletters

Living life in awe of it all. Hoping to make sense. A Thinker, Writer & Storyteller. Working on my tech startup. Visit me at: https://dewlangrial.blogspot.com/