Editor’s Picks — Top 10: To Be a Top Writer You Must Write

Read these top 10 writers who courageously wrote their masterpieces for you

Dew Langrial
Curated Newsletters


Most of the new writers think they have nothing to write. They believe their stories are not worth telling — that they should not waste the reader’s time.

The reality of the matter is exactly the opposite. New writers have more things to say than old writers. Old writers write more because they know how to write — not because they have more things to say.

The young writers are often more imaginative. Their views and issues are more relevant to the age group willing to learn new things by reading someone who knows their dilemmas.

Most of the new writers — and non-writers — can speak without a break for hours. They can argue for hours using words. But when someone asks to write their views, they fail to produce a meaningful paragraph, or sometimes, even a single sentence.

Just record your argument with a friend on some important topic. You can then transcribe your words. You will get a written log of your discussion. Do you think it is ready for publishing?

Definitely not. You will have to remove all the unnecessary sentences and words. Then you’ll have to add some information to make it easy to…



Dew Langrial
Curated Newsletters

Living life in awe of it all. Hoping to make sense. A Thinker, Writer & Storyteller. Working on my tech startup. Visit me at: https://dewlangrial.blogspot.com/