Editor’s Picks — Top 10:

Writer’s Block and How to Use Its Power to Be Prolific

Read our top 10 writers who know how to use the power of words

Dew Langrial
Curated Newsletters
10 min readDec 20, 2020


If you are a writer who is unable to write, you believe you are lazy and undisciplined, a failure and a shirker. Don’t think like that.

Writer’s block has been called by many names. Tillie Olsen called it “unnatural thwarting of what struggles to come into being, but cannot”; and George Eliot declared it as a “pitiable instance of long incubation producing no chick.”

Without resistance, you can do nothing. ~Jean Cocteau

Writer’s block is misconstrued as a death zone. It is an aggressive and energetic reaction from your subconscious mind to adjust the way you are approaching your writing.

The block is a signal to readjust the way you are approaching your work; it is not the problem itself. ~ Victoria Nelson in Writer’s Block

The more blocks you break, the more you grow as a writer. Changing how you take your writing will ultimately take you to your best mental state — not just as a writer but as a human being.



Dew Langrial
Curated Newsletters

Living life in awe of it all. Hoping to make sense. A Thinker, Writer & Storyteller. Working on my tech startup. Visit me at: https://dewlangrial.blogspot.com/