Embrace Black Culture

Opposing White Supremacy through Art — Jean-Michel Basquiat

Allison Wiltz M.S.
Curated Newsletters


Photo Credit | Biography

Living in the diaspora, Black people produced unique cultural values. Common themes run through the river of collective Black dreams. These themes include liberation and opposition. Everyday life asks a lot of Black people who often suppress their expressions to fit into social boxes. Artists smash those boxes, expressing love, pain, hope, and dreams. Knowing that white supremacy possesses its own culture, one key aspect of opposition is an artistic expression. America should embrace black culture by supporting Black artists’ endeavors.

Art has influenced culture, introducing people to new concepts, themes, and perspectives. The influence of art transcends time and possesses the power to impact people, using artwork from past civilizations. Race influences the culture of the day. It also shapes how future civilizations will view our time. Artists share their unique view of the world.

“Black artists have shared exquisite portrayals of the struggles and triumphs of African Americans through their paintings, sculptures and other artwork. Jean-Michel Basquiat, Augusta Savage, Kara Walker, Jacob Lawrence, Gordon Parks and other artists help to illuminate the African American perspective to the world” (Famous Black Arts, 2020).



Allison Wiltz M.S.
Curated Newsletters

Black womanist scholar and doctoral candidate from New Orleans, LA with bylines @ Momentum, Oprah Daily, ZORA, Cultured #WEOC Founder. allisonthedailywriter.com