Personal Development| Inspiration

Embrace the Creator in You

The ongoing creation of life

Bill Abbate
Curated Newsletters
6 min readApr 29, 2024


Image by Stephanie Pratt from Pixabay

Do you see yourself as a creator? Believe it or not, you are one and were born that way. How can you embrace the creator in you? How can it change your life? Read on to find out!

You were born to create

“We are born to create, and we can’t help it. Why is that? Because God, the great Creator, is in us.” Ernest Holmes 1870–1960

It is true. You were born to create and have been doing so since entering this world. So much of life is about creating that few notice it. You were born creating. Creating what? Have you ever changed a diaper? Need you ask more?

Seriously though, our bodies are creating machines. At the cellular level, we constantly develop new cells. According to an article in Scientific American, our bodies make 330 billion new cells daily! These cells replace those that routinely die or are lost. In 80 to 100 days, we create 30 trillion cells, the same number of cells in our entire body!

A little aside, we do not create an entirely new body every few years, as some claim. That would be impossible since some cells last between 15 to 50 or more years. In fact, brain cells may live up to 200 years, according to some…



Bill Abbate
Curated Newsletters

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author