Everyone Deserves A Shot

Try it and you’ll be amazed at what you get

Anthony Aniobi
Curated Newsletters
3 min readJan 27, 2021


Photo by Matthias Zomer from Pexels

There are many things that can hinder us from progress and good things in general. Yes, the title actually suggests giving everyone an equal opportunity, and you may have heard of it many times but putting them to practice when their application doesn’t seem obvious is the main objective.

I myself had fallen victim to this rule and trust me it takes more than knowing the rule to put it to practice. At the end of this article, I’ll share a resolution I made and how anyone can implement it. The article is motivated from one of my strolls, a stroll that proved more educative than I had hoped.

This tale of learning started in the night. While most shops closed up, I sprang up from my room in search of a hardware store to purchase some spare parts(who searches for a hardware store in the the night). I don’t know about you but in my vicinity, they are normally the first department to close up for the day, and frankly I myself knew that, but was feeling very optimistic and over the moon that night. Most of my optimizim was as a result of the idea for a new android application I wanted to develop, so, nothing could stop me, I could do anything I wanted to!

That was how I majestically strolled out that night with the intention of getting a two yard electric cable(wire) and a mecury battery for my calculator, if there’s any moral from this, is that if you want to do something just go for it. That’s all there is to it.

So I had something I wanted and was on the way to getting it. As expected, all the hardware shops I knew were closed, but I just had to get my stuff. I passed a very classy phone shop, I am sure they sell phone accessories, but about wires, that I was not very sure of(at least at that time). I felt awkward walking to the shop to ask for wires — in my defense, who wouldn’t be ashamed of asking for a 45cent wire in a shop that probably have phones worth hundreds of dollars — I had run out of options and that shop was going to be the last before I return home. Finally, I went in and asked. To my surprise, it was available, (what are the odds of finding cables for sale in a phone shop) in a split second I wasn’t feeling weird or out of place. I asked about my other need but I got a negative response. It wasn’t sold there, I even got an advice to check back with another hardware store the ‘next day’, an advice I didn’t want to hear talk more of taking it, at least now I didn’t care about how classic a shop looked, I was going to go to each one and make my request.

Well, I still needed to get my batteries, my search for classic shops made me ignore small trucks and grocery kiosks, yes I mean grocery kiosk because that was where I finally got the battery I was looking for.

After a few minutes of enquiry, I decided to ask a this small shop trader(woman) for the battery. I really wanted her to direct me to any shop nearby that might have my batteries but to my surprise she had it. The woman went to the back of her shop and got a packet — who would have thought! — well, I just took two and headed home😊.

I left home looking for some wares and found both the wares and a lesson. And this is the lesson I talked about at the start. The lesson most of us have probably heard about.

“You don’t judge a book by its cover. Everyone deserves a chance, and maybe you were looking at the situation from the wrong angle”

I failed in applying this despite having heard it a lot of times. Well, maybe I alone deserve to read this article, since I am the number one defaulter. But who knows? Maybe someone, somewhere in the world can benefit from this. Not just for purchasing wares but also in other spheres of of life. So, I’ll give it a shot, the article deserves it😊.

