Everything Starts With a Hole - Holistic Sciences Are Hot Right Now

Ayurveda and TCM biohacks too

Desiree Driesenaar
5 min readMar 9, 2024


Black holes. Pictures by James Webb Telescope. NASA.

“Everything starts with a hole. A possibility. That’s quantum. That’s life…”

The science world is in the grip of complexity sciences right now. One outcome with multiple causes and many interconnected solutions. And the rest… is VUCA… Volatile. Uncertain. Complex. Ambiguous.

I love my work in complexity sciences. The discussions. The certainties. The uncertainties. The implementation of healthy alternatives to toxic industrialism. The “pseudo-sciences” which are just interconnected sciences not proven (yet).

Are you a curious being on a life’s journey? I am!

And it’s getting more and more interesting right now. Who’s gonna understand it first? China? Indonesia? Japan? Europe? Who makes the best digital twins?

Who implements the blockchains beyond speculation for a healthy economy without debts first? Islam economists?

My Gaia Theory career started before computers… In 1988. I’m an oldie in age. And a young one by heart. Digital nomadism is my life. Health and ecology are my trade. Soil biology. Water. Non-linear cycles. And growing…

