Everything You Experience Can Have a Positive Impact On You

About a bit unusual New Year’s wishes for 2023

Curated Newsletters
2 min readDec 31, 2022


Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash

Some time ago, a friend expressed his New Year’s greetings to me in rather unusual words.

“I only wish you the same as to myself.”

I felt he honestly and wholeheartedly meant that. But what he actually meant by that?

This led to think how to make (and explain) my wishes to my MEDIUM friends similarly. Here are my wishes for you:

I hope you face your supposed curses and see them for what they really are — opportunities.

Your inner fears and curses are there for you for a reason. Trust me on this one — they are actually superpowers waiting for you to actualize them.

How? Let me explain my rather peculiar perspective.



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