Fiction Writing

Fascinating Fiction Writing Challenges on Vocal Media

There are still six competitions that we can join and increase the chance of earning prizes.

7 min readJul 28, 2021


Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

Dear Fiction Writers,

We are pleased that many of our fiction writers joined recent fiction writing competitions on Vocal Media. They are now repurposing their content on Medium. It is a win-win for both platforms and extra value for writers.

Not all writers have seen the previous invitation from Dr Yildiz, so he recommended we create visibility for those who might not have seen his post. I volunteered because, interestingly, we received a few inquiries from interested writers who missed the first two challenges.

They asked, “why didn’t you tell us before?”. Well, we cannot transmit information to people’s brains yet. However, Dr Yildiz and his partner in crime [Editor of Technology Hits] might jointly work on this goal. Heaven knows what they do!

First, let me give you some background information on why fiction writers should join these types of challenges. Then, I provide some essential info about the specific challenges and the deadlines.

These challenges offer many benefits.




Lead Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Cross-pollinating and supporting 28,000+ writers. Apply via