Fear of Wide-Open Spaces and Recognizing Life’s Fragility

Nature offered a different lesson for me than I wanted

Keri Mangis
Curated Newsletters
7 min readAug 22, 2021


Author’s Own

“The trails around here are easy to follow,” the retreat facilitator told us.

Just let us know if you’re going out, and maybe go in pairs. This trail that starts at the end of the drive is just a circle. A little over an hour; you can’t get it wrong. Let someone in the kitchen know when you’re leaving and where you’re going. If you don’t come back in time, someone will come and search for you on the four-wheeler.”

All of us guests chuckled at that last part, confident that nothing bad would happen to us.

In Montana for a women’s retreat, I was desperate for some alone time. A solo walk in nature sounded perfect. While I am in awe of nature, I don’t consider myself very nature-y. A simple circular path, though? I could do that.

I hoped Nature would give me a big hug, like a welcome home. I hoped Nature would remind me that I belonged, and would “speak to me,” as I’ve always heard others say it does.

I notified someone in the kitchen staff where I was going, as they suggested, and headed off on the trail at the end of the drive. Later, I would be very glad I did that.



Keri Mangis
Curated Newsletters

I am author and speaker, dedicated to getting out (and staying out) of Plato’s Cave of shadows and deception. Hope to bring a few people with me.