Fighting the good fight

2 steps to help you find your way through the second wave

Blue Carrisole
5 min readNov 9, 2020


Not today COVID 19 sign on a wooden stool
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

The second wave of COVID-19 is here and with it most of our fears are coming to light. It almost seems torturous that for a few months we got a taste of what was normal only to return to this unfulfilling pandemic lifestyle.

Most of us might be struggling with adjusting. it was difficult enough the first time, but with the upcoming festive season and governments around the world issuing lockdowns or movement control orders to protect civilians it’s easy to fall prey to genuine thoughts of hopelessness.

You must wonder if crossing into the new year means we will move past this or if it will all continue. Is it even possible to adjust life in a way where it does not seem mundane and tedious? What is the point of doing so anyway?

I recently had a friend ask me all these questions. He said that waking up in the morning is not something he looks forward to anymore, not if he is reliving the same predictable timetable routine within four walls.

I figured if we must ask questions about what the near future will be like then maybe we should positively spin them to invite ideas of progress, that way its easier to get out of bed in the morning. So, how do we redefine our lives during this pandemic? How do we stay productive despite COVID-19? How do we take away power from the feeling of your own home turning into some kind of prison?

Staying productive at home does not have to be some sort of foreign concept. If you’re like me for the longest time your home was a quiet place meant to sedate the chaos in your mind after a long day. Maybe, you turned it into a haven filled with pictures and memorabilia of family and loved ones because you always want to feel their presence even when the house is empty. Or perhaps, you feel like after your daily 9–5 where you work in a small cubicle with a frame that cuts you off from the rest of the world you can always count on coming home to a loving crowd of relatives. Either way, do not let this epidemic take what you enjoy and turn it into something you’re trying to escape, its possible to reinvent your lifestyle into something pleasurable. Here is how:

Single Focus

Every day, when I wake up I make it a point to isolate a single focus. A goal that I need to achieve before the day ends. However, with that goal, I make a small to-do list with diminutive tasks that way when I tick them all I feel like I have accomplished a lot. That sort of pattern tricks my mind into a productive state, it feels like I’m constantly making good use of my time not to mention it helps get small things done around the house. You can do it too and you should.

So, if you need to make a deadline for a project or edit a story, make it your big goal but surround it with other minuscule tasks. It helps build up that productive momentum you need in your mind that will motivate you towards getting the big job done. Your side tasks could include making the bed, reading a chapter of a book, or even doing a small work out.

Furthermore, aim to surround yourself with motivational encouraging tools. I’ve got a best friend who encourages me to watch and listen to ted talks. Just to broaden up my mind to newer perspectives and give me a go-getter attitude. Something most people don’t know is motivational videos or podcasts in the morning while having your first cup of joe could jolt your mind towards a state of action. I highly recommend it.

Redefine, Reinvent and Recreate

To redefine something is to evaluate it then make altercations that will result in something new. Meaning, it’s more than just a minor change. Right now, a lot of us could use it. But, we have to be willing to accept the change and work towards it otherwise the idea of it remains a lingering notion you’ll always be longing for.

Yesterday, I bought a board to place on the wall adjacent to my desk. It occurred to me that redefining my workspace is like redefining the shape of my mind when I do my work.

‘A fresh look creates a fresh mind and invites fresh ideas’

Making changes around that desk in your study or the corner of your room could help reframe the state your brain is in. Such that it almost feels like a breath of fresh air infiltrating your lungs without you having to open a window. It’s needed and appealing to look at. The board, alongside the luminous notes on it, brightened up my space and increased my work drive. So get a few books that you’ll want to read, a few colourful pens or a board that you could use to map out how you’ll achieve your goals. It could help change your work style.

Additionally, switching up your work system could go beyond transforming your workspace. You could start your day with a small work out or move your working area to a different room.

If your work allows you to, set up your deadlines just to get your brain kicking and ready to go towards a challenge. All these suggestions could boost up your enthusiasm towards being efficient while still being at home.

I like to take frequent short breaks especially in between writing. I have come to find that when I come back to look at a piece, suddenly it’s like I’m seeing it for the first time. I have also gone back to doing work at odd hours of the night because the isolation and night sky make a good combination for me. So, play to your strengths, turn this into something you can enjoy.

Maybe, this period doesn’t necessarily have to be such a gloomy time for all of us. Maybe, we can finally make room for all the things we didn’t get to do before; like spending more time with family or contact friends who live across the globe or do more than just skim through pages of a book we’ve always been dying to read.

Our spare time can and should be used to do things we enjoy but perhaps couldn’t before. Moreover, it can contribute towards that one thing we’ve been trying to pursue most of our lives. Whether it’s a promotion, building our businesses or getting the right grades, the current lifestyle we’ve found ourselves in should not and will not limit you from obtaining what you’re after.

All that we can do is just change how you plan on getting to your target then watch it slowly come closer as you work towards it.

