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Finding Gratitude — Thanksgiving 2020

Look for the silver linings

Michele Thill
7 min readNov 24, 2020


Here in the U.S., it’s the week of Thanksgiving. We are in a time that continues to be like no other. My state is advising that we cancel this holiday this year…

We might not celebrate, might not gather together over a big feast, but I look to continue the tradition of giving thanks.

I haven’t written much about gratitude. But I live with it each day.

In my state, we have now entered what is called Phase 3 Mitigation, our owner of the massage clinic, along with many other small businesses are doing all that is necessary to remain open.

I started to feel pre lockdown vibes a week ago Tuesday. I noticed that it was the 17th. And to the day, eight months ago (3/17), I walked out of our clinic for what I thought would be a two-week SIP (Shelter in Place) and returned three months later…

Eight months ago…seems so much longer…yet here we are again — living in fear and in the unknown. Talk of potentially having to shut our doors. Talk of the businesses that if that happened, would not be able to survive. Talk of unemployment — could we even get back on and if so, what would it pay?

Talk of the holidays here in the U.S. and how they would be like no other. The businesses, like our clinic…



Michele Thill
Curated Newsletters

Through self-awareness, I help women tap into their inner power. Let’s make the 2nd half of your life the best half!