Five Things I Learned About Resilience From an Obstacle Course

Who knew that a 34-year-old horse would make the best teacher for a 67-year-old rider?

Julia E Hubbel
Curated Newsletters
9 min readOct 23, 2020


The GPS told me I was there.

“There” was a Y in the country road. To the left, it meandered. In front of me, a house. Wrong address. If I turned left I had to do U-turn, which was impossible.

It was a lane, not a road, and someone would have to back up a long way.

I went left. Why now? what’s the worst that could happen? I’d have to back up a long way. Far worse things happen.

As I drove, off to the left I noticed a big collection of what looked initially like discarded junk. I could see logs jumbled into a pile. Bales of hay which curved around like a maze. Stuffed animals with their ears chewed off. Big ones.

Like some enormous kid had dropped his favorite plaything in the middle of this pasture.

Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash

My impression was Very Large Kid’s sandbox.

Then I realized that this was the obstacle course for riders. Damn, man.



Julia E Hubbel
Curated Newsletters

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