Followers, Claps, and Comments, Oh My!

Why these three little things do not equate to your worth as a human being

Jeanette C. Espinoza
Curated Newsletters
5 min readJan 18, 2021


You wake up and log on to your computer.

As it loads your applications, you excitedly anticipate visiting your Medium account since yesterday you posted (in your humble opinion) one of the most brilliant and clever articles you’ve ever written.

Surely everyone will love it, surely each person will give it 50 likes, and surely they will all flood your comment section with adulation and well wishes.

You can see the new followers flocking to you already and can hardly contain yourself as you prepare for the rush this will undoubtedly bring.

You take a deep breath, hover over the Medium icon and click it, barely suppressing your unadulterated glee and satisfaction.

But after your screen loads, you only see six new notifications. One is a highlight for an article you wrote a year ago, and the other five came in the form of claps for your latest piece.

You shake your head in disbelief. Only FIVE people bothered to read it?

Adding insult to injury, each of them only gave it one clap.



Jeanette C. Espinoza
Curated Newsletters

Mom of 2 amazing humans | Author of 3 books, including Rock Your Crown -| Speaker | Activist | Creator of Jeanette’s Jewels