From Idea To Product In 4 Months

Reflections on the First Leg of My Startup Journey

Leo Guinan
Curated Newsletters


Back in August, a short (and so very long) 4 months ago, I had the spark of an idea. I started diagramming on my whiteboard. I thought I could design a better social media app than what currently existed. I didn’t know how this idea was going to change my life, but it certainly did.

The Idea

Photo by Frank Vessia on Unsplash

One of the things that I noticed in my newly found time working from home during the pandemic is the power of social media. I didn’t realize how much I needed human connection. I had apparently relied on that from work more than I realized. As a solitary person by nature, working from home was initially great. But it started to wear on me. So I figured out ways to pass the time. Spending time with my wife and kids was great. But I ended up with a lot of extra time, too. Over the years, my hobbies have dropped off. I pretty much had work and family time. There wasn’t much time or energy left outside of that. But now I no longer had a minimum commute of 2 hours. I also didn’t have the social aspect of work that tends to take up more time than we typically realize. But now, all of this filler was…

