Goodbye, Redux

Julia E Hubbel
3 min readJan 12, 2023


Photo by Alain Pham on Unsplash

Yeah I know. I said this last year. Then I came back like an abused spouse. Here’s where things stand.

For those Dear Readers who have stuck it out with me, please hear me out. Last year I opened up a Patreon account on my website. That effort afforded me about fifty followers whose support I treasure, whose input I respect, and whose suggestions are taken very seriously.

The website is free. You don’t have to support me to read my stuff. However from here on out I am no longer either writing anything new on Medium, nor am I going to republish my stuff here from my website. Several reasons for that, about which I have previously written plenty enough.

Those of you who like (or love) my writing but are financially strapped, I get it. Look, I am buying markdown produce until I get a new company off the ground. I realize Medium is a better deal if you want variety. But if you want my newest material, please visit

Again, you can read for free. Welcome over.

March would have made five years for me on Medium. Like so very many, I rode out those five years through repeated overhauls, lost income, scrabbling my way back, which just got exhausting. The last overhaul ripped my earnings by 95% and pretty much…



Julia E Hubbel

Not writing here any more. I may crosspost. You can peruse my writing on Substack at .Also visit me at