Granny Smith Apples.

Originally Grown Sydney Australia, Delicious on my Muesli.

Dr John Frederick Rose
Curated Newsletters


My morning muesli, delicious and nutritious, topped with Granny Smith apple slices. Picture by John Rose.
Granny Smith Apple. Getting ready for Muesli. beautiful firm crispy flesh. Some people used to process sugar, say they are sour or tart. I think they are wonderful in my muesli and offset the Leatherwood honey I use. Picture by John Rose.

Granny Smith apple cultivar
originated in Australia 1868,
Named after Maria Ann Smith
propagated cultivar from
chance seedling,
Possibly hybrid of
European wild apple with
domesticated apple.

Fruit is hard and firm
light green skin and
crisp juicy flesh,
Flavour said to be
tart and acidic,
Only to those
addicted to
processed sugar,
I love natural flavor.

Remains firm when baked
popular cooking apple
used in pies,
US Apple Association
2019 Granny Smith was
third most popular apple in USA.



Dr John Frederick Rose
Curated Newsletters

Love poetry, forests and my garden. Managing health by diet and exercise. Interested in ideation, social and technology interactions.