Haiku While U Wait

We’re all here in the antechamber of “Pandemic’s End”

Jan M Flynn
Curated Newsletters


Photo by billow926 on Unsplash

A stimulus check,
An appointment for a shot,
Independence Day?

Where are the markers?
What will tell us it’s over?
And can we trust that?

Like newborn bear cubs,
Drawn yet blinded by the light
Flooding our cramped dens,

Weary of the dark
And desperate to emerge,
Safety holds us back.

Still, springtime beckons,
Luring us with light and warmth,
Teasing us with hope.

Our faces feel shy
When we think of them unmasked,
Naked and revealed.

All buds can’t unfurl
Simultaneously, but
When is it our turn?

I long for a seat
At a crowded table where
I am not afraid.



Jan M Flynn
Curated Newsletters

Writer & educator. The Startup, Writing Cooperative, P.S. I Love You, The Ascent, more. Award-winning short fiction. Visit me at www.JanMFlynn.net.