Happy Birthday

Pernoste & Dahl
2 min readDec 12, 2023


A short, bluesy birthday poem

Image by Pernoste

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, my very dearest love
Happy Birthday to you.

If you oversleep today, I’ll have to wake you up.
If you’d never been born, I’d just have to make you up.
You belong with me, my very dearest love,
so I raise my glass high, just for you.

From the day we met, I could tell that your heart was kind.
And when you talked to me, your wit was so very refined.
Yet you make me so confused, I nearly lose my mind….
but you have my enduring love for all time.

Maybe you can’t know just how you’ve touched my life.
On my darkest nights, you’ve been my brightest light.
You always make me smile, when I want to cry …. instead,
so come and get your big hug from me, right here and now.



Pernoste & Dahl

Pernoste & Dahl are a writing duo of heartfelt poetry and fiction. Find us on Substack (https://pernosteanddahl.substack.com/)