
Healthcare Market Of 2022, and Relentless Growth of Healthcare Cost

Curated Newsletters
6 min readJun 5, 2022


Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing and changing industries in the world. The market analysis estimated the size of this market at $8.45 trillion in 2018, and it has been growing since.

The Healthcare industry consumes over 10% of the developed countries' Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It was much higher for the United States, at close to 80% of the entire country's GDP. Over 64% of the country's expenditure targets patient care. Thirty-three percent (33%) of the healthcare spending is towards Hospital care, followed by physician and clinical services at about 20% of total GDP.

The U.S. alone has the most significant healthcare spending, at $10,224 per capita, ranking the country as the largest spender of healthcare dollars globally.

As the largest employer, the United States spends twice as much as any other developed country does on its healthcare. Indeed, it holds over 784,626 companies in the healthcare sector, McKesson being the most prominent U.S. healthcare company with annual earnings of $208.3 billion.

The Question Is; Why Does the U.S. Spend More Than Any Other Country On Healthcare?



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