Here Is How to Publish a Shortform Story on Medium

Shortform stories offer innovative options for sharing.

Dr Jeff Livingston


Guillaume Istock by Getty

Have you noticed those weird-looking short stories popping up in your daily feeds? I have. At first, they just confused me. I was not sure what was happening. Then, I noticed I was reading every single one of them from start to finish.

After this lightbulb moment, it was time to investigate this different style of publishing Medium refers to as shortform stories. If you are not familiar with shortform, here is an article from Creator’s Hub explaining how this story style works.

To test out this type of story, there are a few technical items you need to know. First, shortform stories should be under 150 words. This length allows the entire story to be visible without triggering a break to a “read more” link. This number is important to encourage a frictionless inline reading experience. Shortform posts are excellent ways to bring readers into your personal feed and keep them there.

Quick tip: If you are writing on a Mac, click “Command-A” to get a quick word count.

Second, highlight the first sentence in bold letters to signal this is a shortform post. You do not need a title, subtitle, or a featured image to…



Dr Jeff Livingston

Obgyn, Husband, Father, & Entrepreneur. Writing about Women’s Health, Parenting, and Self-improvement. CEO of & founder of