Here’s How Much Medium Paid Me On My First Year Of Writing

10,000 Monthly Views, 3,000 Monthly Reads, 50 Followers Later, Here’s My Thoughts

Jerry Ng
Curated Newsletters


My Medium Stats Screenshot
My Medium Stats Page Ending February 2021

Here’s a quick summary — I started writing on Medium in August 2019 and really started committing to writing an article every week since March 2020. Though I am a software engineer by profession, I focus on writing on these 3 topics:

  • Software engineering
  • Investing
  • Personal finance

While I’m not particularly sure about what’s a good number on Medium is, but a 10,000 monthly view without posting on any social media platforms makes me pretty happy.

So, back to the question, how much did I earn from a year of writing?

Here’s the answer — $67.46 in my first year of writing on Medium.

However, 30% (ouch!) of my Medium earnings is subjected to withholding tax from where I live, so effectively, I only made $47.22.

Medium Partner Program Earnings Summary
My Medium Partner Program Earnings Summary

Looking Back…

